I Resolve To Fish More In 2024

I Resolve To Fish More In 2024! Okay so that isn’t saying much, since my fishing days in 2023 have been zero.

I’ll be 75 in 2024, and I won’t be exploring new lakes like I did in my fifties, but I firmly believe that no one is ever too old to fish. That’s just one of the great things about being an angler.

I remember as a kid watching old ladies row out alone to the dropoff in our lake and fish for and catch walleyes. I remember taking my aunt out perch fishing from the shore on a gorgeous Minnesota lake when she was in her eighties, and she loved it!

So it I’m resolved this coming year to have some more adventures and make some more memories on the water.

man fishing from the shore

Nothing much better than a day on the lake fishing.

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As a lifelong angler I have been blessed with countless days on the water and fish dinners around the table. With family members and fishing buddies in mind I look forward to building this blog. Welcome aboard!

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